Monday, February 13, 2012


We have been discussing various current events that we have heard about in the news. Now it's time to explore various news resources. I have created a pearltree to provide you with links to various news resources. I would like you all to take the time to navigate through these websites. What is common throughout all of these news resources? How do they differ? Which one do you think is the most appealing? Which one do you believe is the most reliable? Pearltree News Resources

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Here's what I found!

Valentine's Day

In only a few short days, the nation will be celebrating a special day known as Valentine's Day. In class, we have talked briefly about the origins of Valentine's Day, about St. Valentine. Most of all, however, we talked about how it is better recognized as a commercial holiday and what that means. If we look around us, we see "Love" everywhere. However, we have to be aware that the word "Love" can be used in many different contexts, and certainly does not always means the same thing. Think about how many times you say or hear the word "Love" in a day. What are you really trying to say or mean when you use the word "Love"?

Your task is as follows. Each student is responsible for providing an example of how you use or see others use the word "Love" in everyday life. Whether it's something you hear on the radio, read in a book, or see on T.V., comment on what you saw or heard, and in what way was the word "Love" being used?

Superbowl Sunday Follow-Up

I would like you to all take a look at the video posted below, which comments on some of the top commercials played during last night's Superbowl coverage on T.V. What is the "trend" that the news anchor mentions? Why do you think there were so many of these "types" of commercials? What other trends did you notice?

Superbowl Sunday Commercials - Recap

Superbowl Sunday

We have discussed the upcoming Superbowl quite frequently in our class this past week. As we have all noticed, there is a lot of hype about the Superbowl itself, but we also discussed how much hype there is about a lot of other Superbowl related things (which don't actually have to do with the game itself)!

Our key focus for this blog will be the hype surrounding Superbowl commercials. Comment on why you think advertiser's might put a lot of time and money into making commercials for the Superbowl. What type of product would you try to advertise, knowing that your audience is people watching the Superbowl?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Take a look...

Below is a photo of our classroom rules that we developed together, on the first day of school. Excellent work Grade 4's, we're off to an excellent start!

Our Classroom Rules

Monday, January 23, 2012


Welcome to Miss Cockburn's Classroom Blog! This is going to be used as our classroom’s Current Events Page. I will be posting information that is based on current news and invite you all to share your thoughts and opinions on each topic.

As a guide, I will provide you with questions to help you practice skills such as predicting, inferring and critical thinking. We will be discussing these skills in our Language class, so they will become very familiar to you (if they aren’t already)!

If you would like to share thoughts in addition answering the questions I provide please feel free to do so. I would also like to invite your parents or guardians to stay current with us, and share their thoughts as well!

Using this blog will be a great way to stay connected and stay informed. I am looking very forward to a great year!